Jeremy Rubier is a French-Canadian film director with a career spanning over a decade across the globe. After completing his education at the prestigious Mel Hoppemheim School of Cinema, he embarked on a journey that led him through the vibrant cinematic landscapes of New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and ultimately settling in Tokyo, where he currently resides and continues to shape his creative vision.
His fascination with Japan was ignited at the age of 15 when he commenced his study of the Japanese language. This initial spark evolved into a profound connection, culminating in a transformative experience at the age of 17 when he lived with a Japanese family in Nagoya for an immersive two-month period. Jeremy draws inspiration from a variety of artists, notably finding artistic resonance in the visual aesthetics of Nicolas Winding Refn and Hayao Miyazaki, and narrative depth in the dialogue crafted by Wes Anderson. He is known for his multi-faceted involvement in his projects, encompassing roles such as writer, director, cinematographer, and editor. Impressively, he also contributes his musical talents to some of his creations.
In a pivotal moment of recognition, Jeremy Rubier secured the Best Director accolade at the prestigious Fantasia Film Festival in 2014 for the short film "The Interview." This achievement was followed by the inclusion of his documentary "3rd Culture Kids" in the official competition at Slamdance in 2015, and the success of his short film "Skater & Thieves" at the esteemed Paris Skateboard and Surf Film Festival in 2016.
Since relocating to Japan in 2016, Rubier has solidified his directorial prowess by crafting his inaugural feature film, "Sayo," which has garnered global acclaim and is accessible on various streaming platforms. He has also founded DMBZ, an innovative production company comprising accomplished Tokyo-based directors. This collective endeavors to nurture aspiring filmmakers by providing them with the necessary support to bring their creative visions to life on the silver screen.
Beyond his writing endeavors, Rubier's directorial finesse extends to collaborations with renowned entities such as Vice, Red Bull, and National Geographic, where he lends his distinct visual storytelling approach. In a pivotal turning point in his career, Jeremy Rubier experienced a notable shift in 2020 as he ventured into the realm of directing longer-format content. This marked transition saw him at the helm of documentary series for prominent organizations including FIFA+, NBA, and OutsideTV.
In essence, Jeremy Rubier stands as a testament to the transformative power of artistry and cross-cultural exploration, trying his best to leave an enduring imprint on the world of cinema and beyond.